2024 Point Breeze Chess Camp: July 29-Aug 2
2024 Point Breeze Chess Camp: July 29-Aug 2
from $385.00
Registration for 1-Week Scholastic Chess Camp
Pittsburgh New Church School-Point Breeze (299 Le Roi Rd., Pittsburgh PA 15208)
July 29-Aug 2 (9:30am-2:30pm)
Activities will include daily USCF-rated games, game analysis, instructive lectures, group and individual puzzle contests, and small group study sessions.
The price for 1 student is $385.
There is a sibling discount of $30 for each additional sibling. **Discount is automatically applied when selecting 2 or more participants**
Please note: if you are registering siblings, select the sibling number by clicking on: “Select how many students are signing up for the camp”- do NOT change the “quantity” option.
How many students are signing up for the camp?: